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                Li promised

  In the light of the popularity of the network in recent years, false advertising (such as import equipment, nanotechnology; the latest equipment, international lead; stereotactic, living guide technology; authoritative experts, two-way conduction; the first domestic and Trinity; the national patent, multiple therapy; the last station, reconstructive therapy; the national focus and regeneration) Therapy, authoritative experts, activation therapy, what kind of needles, known as the world's first and so on, etc. But no one dared to say decades of sequelae cases, a course of treatment failed to see what to do? FALSE! Without diamond drill, do not take the porcelain work, get sick for many years to seek medical treatment without door, repeatedly deceived, seriously delicked the illness, resulting in the patient gradually lost the confidence of cure, eventually cast into a lifelong chronic disease. In order to make the vast number of patients distinguish the truth from the false, take less detours, spend less unjust money, and recover as soon as possible, this specialty solemnly launched the "Li's commitment":

1, the facial paralysis with sequelae of 8 years or more is characterized by severe atrophy of facial muscles. The effect of the sequelae of facial paralysis is that the patient's eyes are afraid of light, the wind, the tears are relieved, the stuffed food is relieved, the facial hair is lightened, the tinnitus is lightened, the range of eyebrows becomes larger, and the mouth is relieved and so on. The patient decided to take second courses of treatment, which proved effective.

2, in order to be able to cure the patients as soon as possible, avoid the sequelae, and also to get more famous names, from day to day, the first onset of the disease, the course of the disease within 3 days of acute period cases, 3 days can be treated with the free treatment of free.



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